
G5 503-504 Summer Vacation Homework 2023

  503/ 504 Summer Vacation Homework Please choose a book to read over the summer vacation. After you have finished the book, do the two-part book report.   1.   Part 1 , fill out the report:   2. Part 2 , make a PPT/Slideshow presentation on the book. Include pictures, and cover the details of the book, and tell how you feel about the book.   Students will share their presentations during experience class, so come prepared!

W20 Homework

Monday No homework Tuesday No homework Wednesday No homework

W19 Homework

Monday:  Study for exams! Tuesday:  Study for exams! Wednesday: Have a great holiday weekend!

W18 Homework

Monday Prepare for the oral test and review for exams. Tuesday Prepare for the oral test and review for exams. Wednesday Prepare for the oral test and review for exams. Thursday Prepare for the oral test and review for exams. Friday Prepare for the oral test and review for exams. Here is a Quizizz to help you review: Troublesome verbs Quizizz:

Spring 2023-Third Oral Exam

Short play/Drama You can work in groups of 1-4. The topic can be anything that is appropriate for school. Remember, this is an English class, so you are being evaluated on your ability to speak . Therefore, the majority of your play should involve the actors speaking to each other.   You do not need to memorize your play, but you should be very familiar with your lines, able to make eye contact with the audience, and use gestures/body language. You can record a video of your performance or perform live in front of the class. If you perform in front of class, I will make a video of your performance to help with my grading. Time limits: 1 person: at least 1:30 2 people:  at least  2 minutes 3 people:  at least  3  minutes 4 people  at least  4  minutes Here is the Flip link:  

Spring 2023 Third Exam Scope

  Our class will have their final round of exams for this semester starting next week.   Please note the scheduled test dates:   The Listening/Reading T est will be on Wednesday, June 14 th . The Oral Presentation Test will begin on Friday , June 15 th and continue for as long as is necessary. The English Written Test will be held on Tuesday, June 20 th .           The exams will cover the following:   FOR ALL EXAMS: Review communication book, Reader’s-Writer’s Notebook, homework writing books, quizzes and unit tests for weeks 14-17. Reading Street stories and articles – Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hopkins and Mahalia Jackson Have a good understanding of the meanings and usages of vocabulary words from weeks fourteen and sixteen.   LISTENING / READING TEST : Stay focused and listen carefully to the whole conversation before selecting your answers. Some of the readings may go fast and have some...

W17 Homework 06/05-06/09

Monday Review the story. Highlight any vocabulary/sections you find difficult.  Tuesday "Troublesome Verbs" worksheet Wednesday Troublesome verbs Quizizz: Thursday Study for the story test. Here is a Quizizz to help you: Friday Prepare for your oral test next Friday!