2nd Monthly Exam Scope-Spring 2023

Hello Parents, Our class will have their second round of Exams starting next week. Please note the scheduled test dates: The Listening/Reading T est will be on Wednesday, May 3 rd . The Oral Presentation Test will begin on Thursday, May 4 th and continue for as long as is necessary. The English Written Test will be held on Tuesday, May 10 th . The exams will cover the following: FOR ALL EXAMS: Review Communication book, Reader’s-Writer’s Notebook, homework writing books, quizzes and Unit tests for weeks 7-11. Reading Street Stories and Articles – The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, The Fabulous Perpetual Motion Machine and Leonardo’s Horse . Have a good understanding of the meanings and usages of vocabulary words from weeks seven, nine and eleven. LISTENING / READING TEST : Stay focused and listen carefully before selecting your answers. Some of the readings...