Wk 1 08/30-09/02 Homework
Wednesday 08/31
Here's today's homework:
Record a short introduction (30 sec. to 1:30 sec.) on Flip to tell us more about yourself.
Include information such as:
-your name
-your hobbies
-favorite subject/food/drink/sport/place/book/movies
-least favorite subject/food/drink/sport/place/book/movie
-anything else you would like to share!
Click here to go to the class Flip page: https://flip.com/d82a44dd
Or you can use the join code: d82a44dd
If Flip doesn't work for you, you can send me a video at dan_m@hmps.tp.edu.tw
Thursday 09/01
Here's today's homework:
Write Spelling Words 1-7 five times.
Friday 09/02
1. Think of a time when you had to overcome your fear. Record a 1-2 minute video on Flip telling your story.
Here are some ideas to help you:
- Giving a speech/presentation
- Performing on stage
- Doing an activity that scares you (swimming, scuba diving, flying, etc.)
- Putting yourself in danger to help someone
Think of a time when you had to overcome your fear. Record a 1-2 minute video on Flip telling your story.
Think of a time when you had to overcome your fear. Record a 1-2 minute video on Flip telling your story.
*Here are some examples to help you:
Giving a speech
Performing on stage
Doing an activity that scares you (swimming, rafting,
Facing a dangerous situation
Risking yourself to help someone
*Any situation where you felt nervous or scared but had to keep going is fine!
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