W18 Homework 12/26-12/30

Compare and Contrast ppt

Friday 12/30 

Here is a review Quizizz to help you prepare for our written exam next Wednesday (01/04):

***NEW LINK: https://quizizz.com/join?gc=39855595

Happy New Year!!!

Thursday 12/29

There is no homework today. Study for your exams and get some rest! 

Wednesday 12/28

Record your presentation and submit it via Flip or email. 

Flip:   https://flip.com/ee0802ce

Email: dan_m@hmps.tp.edu.tw

Tuesday 12/27

Finish your research and rough draft for the oral test. 

Make sure to check the rubric:


Monday 12/26

Finish your research and rough draft for the oral test. 

Make sure to check the rubric:



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