W10 10/31-11/04 Homework

*** Here is the word list for this week***

Friday 11/04

****There are THREE homework assignments this weekend. Be sure to read the entire blog post!****

1. Watch this video about facts and opinions:


2. Answer the following questions on Flip:

    a. What is the difference between a fact and an opinion?

    b. Give some examples of "trigger words" used when talking about our opinions.

    c. Choose an opinion and support it with at least 3 facts. You can use the following

        examples or make up your own.

                1. We shouldn't have tests at school.

                2. Lunch time should be 30 minutes longer.

                3. Teachers shouldn't give any homework.

                4. The school should give us money for getting high scores.


3. Complete the video quiz about fact and opinion here--Don't worry! It's easy!


(You will need to register and then log in--it's free)

Thursday 11/03

1. Here is a new vocabulary quiz (I fixed the mistake in no. 15 "included") 


2. This quiz will help you practice cloze sentences and synonyms/antonyms


3. Practice your 5 sentences using Spelling Words (1-7)

Wednesday 11/02

Complete the Quizizz quiz about our vocabulary for the week. Try to do it at least three times! 

https://quizizz.com/join?gc=09497651           (updated link)

Tuesday 11/01

1. Make 5 sentences using spelling words 1-7

2. RWN p. 75 and 77

Monday 10/31

Write 5 sentences using words from VW 1-12


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