W8 Homework 10/17-10/21

Friday 10/21

1. Watch this video about theme: https://youtu.be/k8muSkXjPHE

2. Watch this video about setting: https://youtu.be/30CPmgVQNks

3. Record a short 2-3 video describing the theme and setting of your favorite story (it can be a

    movie, book, cartoon, or even a song!). Be sure to give details about how you determined 

    the theme and how the setting affects the story.



Thursday 10/20

1. Finish the review worksheet and study for the test: 

Here is the answer key.

Wednesday 10/19

Class trip--No homework :)

Tuesday 10/18

1. Write vocabulary words 9-16 x5

2. Make 4 sentences using these words. 

3. Take this Quizizz quiz to practice: 


Monday 10/17

1. Write vocabulary words 1-8 x5

2. Write four sentences using at least one of these words in each sentence. 

Here is the link to the vocabulary list. I will hand out physical copies tomorrow in class :)



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