W7 Homework 10/11-10/14

Friday 10/14

1. Watch a short video about survival (choose 1) 



2. Go to the Flip link below to record your video. Be sure to follow the directions in the description! 


3. Videos must be uploaded by Monday morning to receive full credit (or emailed to me) 

    My email: dan_m@hmps.tp.edu.tw

Thursday 10/13

Think about the following question: If you were stranded on a deserted island, how would you survive? 

Be prepared to share your ideas with the class!

Wednesday 10/12

We didn't have class today due to the written exam, so there's no homework :)

Tuesday 10/11

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend :) 

Our homework is simply to study for the written test tomorrow. Students should be familiar with vocabulary words from weeks 2 and 4 and with the stories Red Kayak and Thunder Rose

Good luck! :)


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