W14 Homework 11/28-12/02

W14 Spelling Words Slides 

W14 Vocabulary Meaning List

Friday 12/2

This weekend we have a Flip assignment. For each part, there are two videos to choose from. 

Here is the link: 


Here is a description of the assignment:

Choose one of the following videos about the history of the transcontinental railroad:

https://youtu.be/kl0lxIMMb9E (Challenging)

https://youtu.be/rUmD0jFTnCA (More challenging)

1. Why was the transcontinental railroad important for the country?

2. How did the government help encourage the Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies to work together?

3. What effect did completing the railroad have on the country?

Choose one of the following videos about the conditions Chinese laborers faced in building the transcontinental railroad:

https://youtu.be/K4YgEMykqAQ (Challenging)

https://youtu.be/F8jazexfZh8 (More challenging)

1. How was the treatment of Chinese laborers different from Irish laborers? What were there living conditions like? Why were they treated differently?

2. Do you think this should be taught in schools? Why or why not?

Thursday 12/1

1. Complete this Quizizz to help you review: 


2. Study your 6 spelling words and 5 extra words. These will be the 11 spelling words on our quiz tomorrow! 

3. Study the proper noun worksheet from yesterday. 

4. You will have to write 5 sentences using spelling and extra words on the quiz. Make sure you are prepared (check your bubble books for examples)!

Wednesday 11/30

1. Finish proper noun worksheet

2. Quizizz vocabulary review



Tuesday 11/29

1. Write extra words 26-30 x 5. 

2. Write 1 sentence using each word. 

3. Sign and return class rules form.

4. Sign and return written, listening, and oral exam papers. 

Monday 11/28

1. Write spelling words 1-6 x5. 

2. Write 1 sentence using each spelling word. 

3. Sign and return written, listening, and oral exam papers. 


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