3rd Oral Exam

Comparing and Contrasting Elementary School in Two Different Countries

We will have our third oral exam on Thursday 12/29 (continuing to Friday if necessary).

Last week, you researched school life in another country. For this exam, you will make a video comparing and contrasting school in two different countries. 

You can use the same country you talked about in your homework video from last week (ex: Japan) and compare it to Taiwan OR you can choose a new countries to talk about. However, this video will go more in detail, so please revise and update your work.

***Use this worksheet to guide your comparison: 


***Follow this rubric to make sure you get a good score: 


The video should be 3-5 minutes long and include photos or other visuals to illustrate your points.

    For example, when talking about school uniforms, you should show us a picture of the uniforms in        that country. 

Remember to use specific details. 

    For example, don't say, "The uniforms are like the uniforms in Taiwan". 

    Instead, say, "The uniforms are like the uniforms in Taiwan. Boys wear a white collared shirt with        black pants, and girls wear a white collared blouse with a black dress." 

Remember, I'm looking for quality work. Your presentation should be your best work.

Here is the Flip link if you want to get an early start. Videos must be received by Thursday 12/ 29.



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