W15 Homework 12/05-12/09
***Here is a link to the video about building the transcontinental railroad we watched in class today:
Friday 12/09
1. Read or watch at least two immigration stories on this website:
2. Imagine that you are an immigrant to a new country with your family. It can be any country in the world (I suggest you choose a country you know about or would like to live in). Talk about the following:
- How you came to this new country and why you moved from your home.
- Difficulties or challenges you might face in this new country.
- What would be different about your life? (school, activities, family life, holidays, etc.)
- What would you miss about your country?
- What would be better about the new country? What would be worse?
Thursday 12/08
1. Use this Quizizz to study for the test tomorrow:
2. Here is a list of topics the test will cover:
- Spelling: W14 spelling words (1-6) and extra words (26-30)
- Cloze sentences with these 11 words
- Cause and effect sentences (1-9 on the worksheet)
- Multiple choice story questions
- Short answer story questions
Wednesday 12/07
Due to the field trip today, there is no homework! Come to class ready to talk about Ten Mile Day tomorrow.
Tuesday 12/06
1. Write 1 new sentences for W14 extra words 26-30
2. Finish reading Ten Mile Day
Monday 12/05
1. Sign and return quiz
2. RWN p. 93-94
3. Write 1 new sentence for each W14 spelling word (1-6)
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