W16 Homework 12/12-12/16

W16 Definitions

W16 Spelling Slides

W16 Meaning Word Slides

Friday 12/16

1. Research school life in another country. Try to find information about the following topics: 

  1. uniforms/dress code
  2. class times
  3. extra curricular activities (sports, dance, art, clubs, etc)
  4. types of assessment (tests, quizzes, projects)
  5. number of students per class
  6. anything else you find interesting about school in that country
You can choose from these countries or think of your own:
  • Singapore
  • Finland
  • the Philippines
  • Japan
  • India
  • Vietnam
  • France
  • England
  • the US
  • Holland
  • Kenya
2. Summarize your findings in your bubble book or on Flip. 

Thursday 12/15

***There are two Quizizz quizzes to help you study for the test (no worksheet)***

1. Use this Quizizz to help you study for the quiz tomorrow: 


2. Use this Quizizz to practice irregular plurals: 


2. Here is the test format to help you prepare: 

  • Spelling: Spell words 1-8
  • Matching: Match words 1-8 to their definitions
  • Synonyms: 
  • Cloze sentences: Fill in the blank with the correct Meaning Word
  • Regular and irregular plurals

Wednesday 12/14

1. Write vocabulary words 17-28 x5

2. Make 1 sentence using each vocabulary word

Tuesday 12/13

1. Write vocabulary words 9-16 x5

2. Make 1 sentence using each vocabulary word

Monday 12/12

1. Sign and return test

2. Write vocabulary words 1-8 x5 (These will be our spelling words on the quiz, so study them well!)

3. Write 1 sentence using each vocabulary word from 1-8


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