Winter Vacation Homework 2023

 Grade 5 Winter Homework January 2023  

Attention Xinmin scholars! 

1. Next semester the school will be taking submissions for the Xinmin Horizons magazine. Students must prepare a short piece of writing 300 - 500 words in length. You may choose any genre or topic you are interested in. Please handwrite the final draft on a piece of lined paper. Make sure your writing is neat and legible

Hand it in to homeroom teachers. The winning pieces of written work will appear in the magazine!

2. Some reading assignments, writing activities and videos will be set on Savvas Realize for students to complete during winter break.  

3. For our global fair, the students have to make a presentation about the UK. They can make a poster, draw a picture, make a labeled diagram, build a model, or write something. 

Wishing you a propitious, portentous, and prosperous Chinese New Year break!

***I strongly encourage you to choose a topic that interests you, but if you can't think of anything, here are some ideas that might help:

Horizons Article

Possible topics (if necessary)

  1. My Holiday

  2. Hopes for the New Year

  3. A New Hobby

  4. My Family/Pet

  5. My Favorite Place to Visit in Taiwan

  6. Something I Learned from My Grandfather/Grandmother/etc.

  7. Favorite Videogame/Toy/Movie/YouTuber/etc.

  8. If I Were President…

  9. If I Could Be Any Animal…

  10. When I’m Grown Up…

  11. A Letter to Future Me

Global Fair: the UK 

(choose 1 of the following topics)

  1. Sports

  2. History

  3. Education

  4. Art/Music/Culture

  5. Holidays and festivals

  6. The Royal Family

  7. Currency

  8. Colonialism

  9. Food and drink


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