Spring 2023 Spelling Bee Competition Information

Taipei Xinmin Private Elementary School

The academic year of 111, 2nd semester

G2 ~ G5  Spelling Bee English Spelling Competition


1. Objective: To improve students' English listening and spelling skills and enhance their interest in English learning.

2. Competition Date:

    (1) The preliminary round will be held by the English teacher of each class, each class can decide the date for electing the 5 contestants to participate in the school competition.

    (2) Date:  G2G3  May 26th , 2023 (Fri 12:15 noon.)

G4G5  June 2nd , 2023 (Fri 12:15 noon.)

3. The qualification for the final round candidates5 candidates will be selected from the preliminary round from G2 to G5.

4. Competition Place: English classroom (1) and (2) on the third floor.


5. Competition regulations:

I. Each participant in the spelling competition is a rotational competition, and a single word must be spelled in each round of the competition.

II. The teacher should pronounce the word correctly, and the judges should let the student finish spelling the word within 10 seconds, whether the word spelled out by the contestant is correct or not.

III. All participants sit under the stage and take turns standing in front of the stage to spell words by numbers in order. Those who do not spell the words correctly will be withdrawn from the competition.

IV. After the teacher said the word, the contestant must say the word before spelling. For example: The teacher said: bee, the contestant should say: bee, b-e-e, bee. (Within 5 seconds.)

V. The contestant can ask the teacher to say it again, but they cannot ask for other prompts.

Each contestant has only one chance to spell out the correct word.

VI. Scope of the spelling contest: According to the content published on the school website.


6. Scoring Criteria:

I.             The final round is based on a speaking competition.

II.            The competition will continue until the last 3 contestants left on the stage.

III.          If A and B both spell correctly, proceed to new round as normal.

IV.          If both A and B can't spell correctly, proceed to new word as normal.

V.           If either A or B spells correctly, but other competitor spells their word incorrectly- the correct speller enters 'champion round'. They only have to spell the next word correctly to be the winner. If A spell the champion word incorrectly- other competitor has the chance to return to the competition. If B can spell correctly- reset to another round of competition as normal. If B also fails to spell the word correctly, A has another turn at a champion word. 

Continue until one competitor has one a normal round, AND the champion word.


7. Awards: For those who perform well, the school will issue a certificate of award to encourage them.


~五年級 Spelling Bee英語拼字比賽辦法





    ()決賽日期︰二、三年級112526(星期五) 中午1215

四、五年級11262(星期五) 中午1215








  4.發音的老師說出單字之後,參賽者要先說出單字再拼字。例如: 發音的老師說: bee

    參賽者要說: bee, b-e-e, bee(5秒內)








3. 冠亞軍爭奪賽(當台上剩下最後2名參賽者時):

   3-1. AB參賽者皆拼對單字時,將返回下一回合。

   3-2. AB參賽者皆拼錯單字時,將返回下一回合。

   3-3. A參賽者如果拼對字,B參賽者也拼同一個字,如果B錯誤,A參賽者即可拼冠軍單字,如果A冠軍單字拼對A即是第一名;如果A冠軍單字拼錯,將返回下一回合。

3-4. A參賽者如果拼錯字,B參賽者要拼同一個字,如果B正確,B參賽者即可拼冠軍單字,如果B冠軍單字拼對B即是第一名;如果B冠軍單字拼錯,將返回下一回合。






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