
Showing posts from October, 2022

W10 10/31-11/04 Homework

*** Here is the word list for this week*** Friday 11/04 ****There are THREE homework assignments this weekend. Be sure to read the entire blog post!**** 1. Watch this video about facts and opinions: 2. Answer the following questions on Flip:      a. What is the difference between a fact and an opinion?      b. Give some examples of "trigger words" used when talking about our opinions.      c. Choose an opinion and support it with at least 3 facts. You can use the following           examples or make up your own.                     1. We shouldn't have tests at school.                     2. Lunch time should be 30 minutes longer.                ...

W9 Homework 10/24-10/28

Friday 10/28 1. Watch these videos about segregation in schools in America. 2. Answer the following questions in a Flip video: 1. What is segregation? 2. What is diversity? 3. How would you feel if you were the only Asian person in your school? 4. Do you think that your teachers/classmates would treat you differently? 5. Did anything you learned in these videos surprise you? ***Your video must by uploaded by Monday morning for you to receive credit for the assignment*** Thursday 10/27 1. Review your  vocabulary meanings list . There are 15 matching questions about these words on the quiz.  2. Use this  NEW  Quizizz quiz to review: Wednesday 10/26 1. Complete a new quiz about the story: 2. Review Island of the Blue Dolphins Tuesday 10/25  Homework : Complete this quiz about the story....

W8 Homework 10/17-10/21

Friday 10/21 1. Watch this video about theme: 2. Watch this video about setting: 3. Record a short 2-3 video describing the  theme  and  setting  of your favorite story (it can be a     movie, book, cartoon, or even a song!).  Be sure to give details about how you determined      the theme and how the setting affects the story. Thursday 10/20 1. Finish the review worksheet and study for the test:  Here is the answer key . Wednesday 10/19 Class trip--No homework :) Tuesday 10/18 1. Write vocabulary words 9-16 x5 2. Make 4 sentences using these words.  3. Take this Quizizz quiz to practice:   Monday 10/17 1. Write vocabulary words 1-8 x5 2. Write four sentences using at least one of these words in each sentence.  Here is the link to the voc...

W7 Homework 10/11-10/14

Friday 10/14 1. Watch a short video about survival (choose 1) 2. Go to the Flip link below to record your video. Be sure to follow the directions in the description! 3. Videos must be uploaded by  Monday morning  to receive full credit (or emailed to me)      My email: Thursday 10/13 Think about the following question: If you were stranded on a deserted island, how would you survive?  Be prepared to share your ideas with the class! Wednesday 10/12 We didn't have class today due to the written exam, so there's no homework :) Tuesday 10/11 I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend :)  Our homework is simply to  study for the written test tomorrow .  Students should be familiar with vocabulary words from  weeks 2 and 4   and with the stories  Red Kayak ...

Wk 6 Homework 10/03-10/07

Friday 10/07  Great job on your tall tales everyone! I really enjoyed watching your videos and seeing the results of your hard work:)  1. If you didn't give me your pre-writing worksheet , send it to me TODAY  so you don't lose               10 easy points ! 2. Review Thunder Rose,  Red Kayak, and Week 2 and Week 4 vocabulary words. Have a great three-day weekend!  Thursday 10/06 1. RWN p. 61 2. Review for written test Wednesday 10/12 Wednesday 10/05 1. Finish your tall tales and record the video on Flip tonight.   *Make sure your video is at least   2 minutes long! Tuesday 10/04  1. Work on your tall tale for the  Oral Test.  Remember, your Flip video must be recorded by  10:15am Thursday 10/06! 2. Follow the  pre-writing worksheet  and check the  scoring rubric  to get the maximum number of points.  RWN p. 54 Monday 10/03 1. Correct your tests.  2. Work on your ...